Privacy and legal terms

Identity of the website publisher

The website publisher is:
ETABLISSEMENTS RICHARD PONTVERT ET COMPAGNIE, SA [Equiv. Public Limited Company] with a capital of €823,834, whose registered office is at 65 rue des Tuiliers 38430 Saint-Jean-deMoirans, registered under number 060 500 147, and whose legal representative is Eric Forestier.

The website publisher may be contacted at:
Mail :
Phone number : +33 4 85 40 00 38

The website publisher is subject to VAT. Its intra-community VAT number is: FR 67 060 500 147.

Activities carried out

ETABLISSEMENTS RICHARD PONTVERT ET COMPAGNIE carries out the following activities: Manufacture of Paraboot brand shoes.
The website published by ETABLISSEMENTS RICHARD PONTVERT ET COMPAGNIE enables its subsidiary, CAPUCE, to offer and carry out the remote sale of shoes via the website.

The sales activity is carried out by:
CAPUCE, SA [Equiv. Public Limited Company] with a capital of €1,552,000, whose registered office is at 65 rue des Tuiliers 38430 Saint-Jean-de-Moirans, registered under number 349 869 594, and whose legal representative is Mr Eric Forestier, CEO.

When a Customer orders a product via the website, his/her contractual relations with CAPUCE are then governed by the General Conditions of Sale, which the Customer must have accepted beforehand by ticking the box provided for this purpose (opt-in) at the time of the order.

Read the General Conditions of Sale here

Website’s publishing director

The Publishing Director is:
Eric Forestier, CEO

Website development

The website was developed by Smartfire | Groupe Ceetadel
33 Rue de Bourgogne
69009 Lyon, France
Tel : +33 4 28 29 05 80

Website hosting

The website is hosted by: Smartfire subcontracts hosting of the website to OVH
2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix, France

Intellectual property

The website is likely to reproduce works of intellectual property. These works may belong to the website publisher or to third parties. In the latter case, the works are reproduced by the publisher with the permission of these third parties.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication or adaptation of all or part of the works represented on the website, regardless of the means or process used, is prohibited without the prior written permission of the website publisher.

Any unauthorised use of the website or of any of the components it contains may be considered as constituting an infringement and lead to prosecution pursuant to the provisions of Articles L. 335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.

Website user obligation

Users undertake to use this website under the following conditions:
– not to use the website for the purpose of hindering or altering its operation, in particular by blocking it, intentionally or unintentionally, by the excessive transfer of content, outside the cases of intended use;
– not to extract, copy or duplicate website components or graphics to which the publisher holds intellectual property rights;
– not to introduce malicious files/malware or files containing computer viruses;
– not to store or transmit unauthorised content that could be illegal or which may constitute incitement to commit crimes or offences, defamation or insults, invasions of privacy or other acts endangering minors;
– not to transmit content that could violate image rights, any intellectual property rights or any other right belonging to others.

Publisher’s liability

The user alone is liable for the choices he/she makes. Thus, neither the publisher nor Capuce may be held liable due to the unsuitability of the services and products offered on the website for the needs and information expressed by the user.

Nor are the publisher or Capuce liable for any resulting damages related to the communication network or failures in the user’s internet access or computer security.

Personal data protection

The publisher and CAPUCE SA are likely to process personal data within the context of the website’s operation. Within this context, they undertake to comply with Law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 (known as the “Loi informatique et libertés” or “LIL”) and the General Personal Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) no. 2016/679.

Read the Personal Data Privacy Policy here.